
Prêmios & Reconhecimentos Awards & Recognitions

​Como o primeiro escritório brasileiro a receber o prêmio Chambers Client Service Law Firm of the Year, nossa contínua dedicação aos clientes é consistentemente reconhecida pelas principais publicações do mercado jurídico.

Reconhecimentos Selecionados

  • Escritório líder em 21 áreas de prática 
  • 32 reconhecimentos de indivíduo líder 
  • Escritório líder em 45 áreas de prática
  • 69 reconhecimentos de indivíduo líder

  • Escritório recomendado com 17 áreas de prática destacadas
  • ​49 reconhecimentos de advogados

  • 20 reconhecimentos de advogados
  • ​Escritório recomendado em 34 áreas de prática
  • 38 reconhecimentos de advogado líder

Premiações Selecionadas - Institucional

The Legal 500 - Brazil Awards 2025
Nossa advogada Julia Tamer Langen foi premiada como Restructuring Next Generation Partner of the Year. Além dela, nossa expertise foi reconhecida com o prêmio de Oil and Gas Firm of the Year.

The Legal 500 - Brazil Awards 2024
Dois advogados de Veirano Advogados foram premiados: o sócio Rodrigo de Castro (Real Estate Lawyer of the year) e a consultora Elisa Rezende (Banking Rising star of the year). Nosso time também foi reconhecido com duas premiações institucionais: TMT: Telecom and Media (Law Firm of the year) e Marketing (Team of the year).

Chambers & Partners - Client Service Law Firm of the Year 2010
Veirano Advogados recebeu o prêmio por sua distinção em áreas-chave, bem como por seu trabalho excepcional e excelência no serviço prestado aos clientes.

Premiações Selecionadas - Profissionais

Chambers Diversity & Inclusion - Inclusion Future Leader 2023
A nossa associada da área trabalhista Mayara Sant’Anna foi altamente recomendada como Diversity & Inclusion Future Leader.

Chambers Diversity & Inclusion - Minority Lawyer of the Year 2023
O sócio de imobiliário Raphael Moreira Espírito Santo recebeu o prêmio em reconhecimento por sua dedicação e comprometimento com programas de diversidade para minorias, assim como por ter participado ativamente na organização de eventos e discussões, ajudando a promover o avanço das minorias no Direito. Organizado por Chambers & Partners, o programa Chambers Diversity & Inclusion busca fornecer um recurso exclusivo e abrangente para pesquisas, insights, artigos e eventos relacionados a diversidade e inclusão no universo jurídico.

Latin Lawyer - Lifetime Achievement Award 2019
O sócio fundador Ronaldo Veirano recebeu o prestigioso prêmio em reconhecimento por sua bem-sucedida carreira abrangendo mais de 50 anos de contribuições ao mercado jurídico brasileiro.

Premiações Selecionadas - Operações

IFLR Awards - Deal of the Year 2024: Project Finance
O projeto de energia eólica Feijão conquistou o Deal of the Year na categoria Project Finance na cerimônia dedo IFLR Americas Awards 2024. Assessoramos a Alunorte e a Mineração Paragominas, na qualidade de offtakers e futuros acionistas do projeto estruturado na modalidade de autoprodução por equiparação, por meio dos profissionais Daniel Engel, Maria Cecilia Vieira, Daniel Rivera e Reginaldo Sorrenti.

Latin Lawyer Awards - Deal of the Year 2024: Disputes
À frente do caso, os sócios Alberto de Orleans e Bragança, Julia Tamer Langen e Mateus Aimoré Carreteiro, e a advogada Anna Clara Mielmiczuk representaram a América Móvil (Claro) no acordo que solucionou arbitragem iniciada por Telefônica, América Móvil (Claro) e TIM que envolvia discussão de preço do ativo adquirido no âmbito da reestruturação da Oi (Oi Móvel).


IFLR Awards - Deal of the Year 2023: Project Finance
Nossos times liderados pelos sócios Ana Carolina Barretto, Daniel Engel, Diego Yago Rodrigues, Gustavo Moraes Stolagli, Maria Christina Motta Gueorguiev e Mauro Hiane de Moura assessoraram diferentes entidades no financiamento de R$3,3 bilhões da Linha 6 do metrô de São Paulo. A nova linha se destaca como o maior projeto de parceria público-privada (PPP) em construção na América Latina, com um custo total estimado em R$18 bilhões.

As the first Brazilian firm to receive the Chambers Client Service Law Firm of the Year award, our ongoing dedication to clients is consistently recognized by leading industry publications.

Select Recognitions

  • Leading firm in 21 practice areas 
  • 32 leading individual recognitions 
  • Leading firm in 45 practice areas
  • 69 leading individual recognitions

  • Recommended firm with 17 practices areas highlighted
  • ​49 lawyer recognitions

  • 20 lawyer recognitions
  • ​Recommended firm in 34 practice area
  • 38 leading lawyer recognitions 

Select Awards - Institutional

The Legal 500 - Brazil Awards 2025
Our partner Julia Tamer Langen was awarded Restructuring Next Generation Partner of the Year. Our expertise was also recognized with the Oil and Gas Firm of the Year award.

The Legal 500 - Brazil Awards 2024
Two lawyers from Veirano Advogados were awarded: partner Rodrigo de Castro (Real Estate Lawyer of the year) and the counsellor Elisa Rezende (Banking Rising star of the year). Our team was also recognized with two institutional awards: TMT: Telecom and Media (Law Firm of the year) e Marketing (Team of the year)

Chambers & Partners - Client Service Law Firm of the Year 2010
Veirano Advogados received the award for its distinction in key practice areas, as well as for its outstanding work and excellence in client service.

Select Awards - Professionals

Chambers Diversity & Inclusion - Inclusion Future Leader 2023
Labor associate Mayara Sant’Anna was highly commended as a Diversity & Inclusion Future Leader.

Chambers Diversity & Inclusion - Minority Lawyer of the Year 2023
Partner Raphael Moreira Espírito Santo received the award in recogniton for his dedication and commitment to minority diversity programs, as well as for taking an active role in organizing events and discussions, helping to further the advancement of minorities in the Law. Chambers and Partners' dedicated Chambers Diversity & Inclusion program provides a unique and comprehensive resource for global D&I research, insights, articles and events for the legal profession.

Latin Lawyer - Lifetime Achievement Award 2019
Founding partner Ronaldo Veirano received the prestigious award in recognition for his successful career spanning more than 50 years of contributions to the Brazilian legal market.

Select Awards - Deals

IFLR Awards - Deal of the Year 2024: Project Finance
​The wind energy project Feijão won the Deal of the Year award in the Project Finance category at IFLR Americas Awards 2024 ceremony. We advised Alunorte and Mineração Paragominas as offtakers and future shareholders of the structured project under the self-production by equivalence modality, through professionals Daniel Engel, Maria Cecilia Vieira, Daniel Rivera, and Reginaldo Sorrenti.

Latin Lawyer Awards - Deal of the Year 2024: Disputes
Leading the case, our partners Alberto de Orleans e Bragança, Julia Tamer Langen and Mateus Aimoré Carreteiro and lawyer Anna Clara Mielmiczuk represented América Móvil (Claro) in the settlement that solved an arbitration initiated by Telefônica, América Móvil (Claro) and TIM involving a dispute over the price of an asset acquired as part of the restructuring of Oi (Oi Móvel).

IFLR Awards - Deal of the Year 2023: Project Finance
Our teams led by partners Ana Carolina Barretto, Daniel Engel, Diego Yago Rodrigues, Gustavo Moraes Stolagli, Maria Christina Motta Gueorguiev and Mauro Hiane de Moura advised different entities in the São Paulo Metro Line 6 US$627 million financing. The new line stands out as the largest public-private partnership (PPP) project currently under construction in Latin America, with a total cost estimated at US$3 billion.

"A lot of firms in this market like to call themselves full-service, but not many can claim to offer services in key practice areas of transactional, disputes, tax and labour with a consistently high standard of quality and market recognition. Veirano Advogados is a rare example of a firm that can rightfully boast of such strength-in-breadth. Its sophisticated, internationally minded approach and power in the market secure this firm a place among the very best."

"With sophistication, business acumen and an internationally minded approach, Veirano Advogados has become a leading Brazilian law firm in less than three decades. Building on longterm investor relationships and ties with best-friend firms in other countries, Veirano is a powerful organisation with a place among the absolute best."

"A lot of firms in this market like to call themselves full-service, but not many can claim to offer services in key practice areas of transactional, disputes, tax and labour with a consistently high standard of quality and market recognition. Veirano Advogados is a rare example of a firm that can rightfully boast of such strength-in-breadth. Its sophisticated, internationally minded approach and power in the market secure this firm a place among the very best."

"With sophistication, business acumen and an internationally minded approach, Veirano Advogados has become a leading Brazilian law firm in less than three decades. Building on longterm investor relationships and ties with best-friend firms in other countries, Veirano is a powerful organisation with a place among the absolute best."