
Nossa Cultura Our Culture

A cultura de uma organização é manifestada por meio de missão, visão e valores: o que o Escritório quer ser, como fazer para alcançar a sua visão e os valores necessários para chegar lá.

Conheça o que move o nosso #TimeVeirano:


Criar soluções jurídicas de alta qualidade para os negócios de nossos clientes, oferecendo um time formado pelos melhores talentos.


Ser a primeira opção dos clientes e dos talentos do mercado, representando um diferencial competitivo nos negócios de nossos clientes.


  • Firma única
  • Compromisso com as pessoas, os clientes e a sociedade
  • Transparência
  • Pluralidade
  • Criatividade
  • Perenidade e sustentabilidade
The culture of an organization is manifested through mission, vision and values: what the Firm wants to be, how to reach its vision and the values needed to get there.

Learn what moves our #TeamVeirano:


Create high-quality legal solutions for our client's businesses, offering a team formed by the best talent.


To be the first choice of clients and market talent, representing a competitive differential in our client’s businesses.


  • Unique firm
  • Commitment to people, to clients and to the society
  • Transparency
  • Plurality
  • Creativity
  • Perennity and sustainability

"Overall the firm's success is based on old-fashioned service excellence; it has a reputation among clients for providing the most flexible, efficient and personalized of both service style and pricing of any of its rivals at the top of the market."

"Overall the firm's success is based on old-fashioned service excellence; it has a reputation among clients for providing the most flexible, efficient and personalized of both service style and pricing of any of its rivals at the top of the market."